Maharashtra Shikshan Samiti's

महाराष्ट्र महाविद्यालय, निलंगा

(Affiliated to S. R. T. M. U. Nanded)

DVV Clarifications IV Cycle : Criterion II

Criterion – II

Teaching Learning Evaluation

Metric DVV Suggestion HEI Responses Link
2.1.1 Number of seats filled year wise during last five years (Only first year admissions to be considered)

·        2.1.1 HEI to affix the sanction letter from the university board / syndicate / senate SRT Marathwada university , Nanded for the metric 2.1.1;

·        HEI to provide the certified list of students admitted in the first year programme-wise , category wise for the metric 2.1.1

HEI Response: Sanction letters of the students as desired in the DVV suggestions are attached herewith. The certified list of students admitted in the first year, programme-wise, category wise are submitted in the file attached herewith. View
2.1.2Percentage of seats filled against reserved categories (SC, ST, OBC etc.) as per applicable reservation policy for the first year admission during the last five years Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories year wise during last five years (Exclusive of supernumerary seats)

·       2.1.2 HEI to recheck the data and provide the actual list of students admitted under the reserved category ;

·       HEI to note that the list of students admitted and the total number of students admitted cannot ebe the same ;

·       HEI to rechek the data ;

·       HEI to affix the sanction of seats for the reserved category from the affiliating university and the ecopy of the criteria used as indicated in statute by Central / state govt for the metric 2.1.2

HEI Response: As per the DVV suggestions, the number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories year-wise during the last five years are given herewith. The corrective data in the tabular form is also given herewith. View
2.2.1Student – Full Time Teacher Ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year) ·       2.2.1 HEI to affix the e-copies of the list of students and the list of full-time faculty (latest completed academic year) certified by the Principal / Registrar/ Dean for the metric 2.2.1 HEI Response: As per the Suggestions in the DVV process, the list of the students and the list of the full-time faculty for the latest completed academic year are given herewith. View

Percentage of full-time teachers against sanctioned posts during the last five years

·       2.4.1 HEI to provide the sanction letter from the SRTMU , Nanded board / senate / registrar / Dean ( college development ) ;

·       HEI to provide the appointment letters of faculty against these posts for the metric 2.4.1

HEI Response: The Sanction letters, as desired in the DVV process, from SRTMU, Nanded are attached herewith. Moreover, the appointment letters of the faculty against these posts are also attached in the file as mentioned by you in the DVV suggestion. View

Percentage of full time teachers with NET/SET/SLET/ Ph. D./D.Sc. / D.Litt./L.L.D. during the last five years (consider only highest degree for count) Number of full time teachers with NET/SET/SLET/Ph. D./ D.Sc. / D.Litt./L.L.D year wise during the last five years

·       2.4.2 HEI to add two more field in the data -specialisation and university awarding the PhD. ,

·       HEI t affix the ecopies of the Phd / NET/ SLET for all the faculty as downloadable pdfs for the metric 2.4.2.

·       HEI to exclude from data faculty not fulfilling 11 months of work experience.

·       HEIto provide the ecopis of the coursewrok and the Phd degree for the following faculty : Dr.Kolpuke Madhav Nivrutirao Dr.Jadhav Dhananjay Hanmant Dr.Kadam Chandrakant Jalindarrao Dr.Waghmare Bhagwan Mariba

HEI Response: The data as desired by you in the DVV suggestion is attached herewith along with the clarifications. The faculty not fulfilling 11 months of service are also excluded. The rest of the desired documents are also attached in downloadable files. View

Pass percentage of Students during last five years (excluding backlog students) Number of final year students who passed the university examination year wise during the last five years


·       2.6.3 HEI to provide the list of students appearing / passing certified by the controller of examination of the SRTMU , Nanded for the metric 2.6.3 ,

·       HEI to also affix the ecopies of the annual report of all the assessment years highlighting the pass percentage for the metric 2.6.3

HEI Response: The list of the students appearing in the final year is given herewith as suggested in the DVV. Additionally, the Passing Certificates by the Controller of Examinations, SRTMU, Nanded are also attached in a downloadable file. The e-copies of the Annual Reports along with highlighted data is also given herewith. View