Maharashtra Shikshan Samiti's

महाराष्ट्र महाविद्यालय, निलंगा

(Affiliated to S. R. T. M. U. Nanded)

Public Administration

Department of Public Administration

  • About the Department:

The Department of Public Administration was established in the academic year 1970. At present, this Department offering B.A. degree course with one of the three subjects as Public Administration under UG program affiliated to Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded. Now the department has 01 regular faculty and 01 CHB faculties. The Department of Public Administration is one of the important departments of our college. ­­­Department has striven to set high standards of teaching.

Students who graduate from the Department have a wide variety of career options to choose from. These include academics, research, civil services, management, operations and entrepreneurship. Our cherished alumni, maintaining a continuous connection with us, have carved remarkable paths across diverse fields.

Our faculty members also conduct ongoing research on the best Public Relations in a variety of areas like, Local Self Government ,local Office Visit and Dynamics.


  • Mission

         Public Administration is one of the youngest branch of Faculty of Humanities. With the expansion of the activities of modern state, public administration has assumed great  significance in modern society. The Public Administration and Administrative Officers playing impartment role in social and economic development of the Nation. Administration is as old as mankind. It has acquired all spheres of human life right from birth to death. It is very  close to the daily life of any person in practical. Public Administration Studies the systematic implementation of Laws and Government policies, theories principles and its controlling system. The subject stands as an integral element of democratic system of the nation.  It is intended that the subject is introduced, as a optional subject to the students of U.G. level. The subject is introduced to comprehend the importance of Administration theory and practice. as well as Public Administration and private Administration, Public Private Partnership, civil society and sustainable development .

  • Vision

Public Administration is one of the youngest branches of Faculty of Humanities. With the expansion of the activities of modern state, public administration has assumed great significance in modern society. The impact of Information Technology has given to many new trends which have all branches in public administration. Recent trends is an important part of public administration.

The main thing is to impart knowledge of recent trends in public administration

  • Faculty
Sr. NO. Name  Of The Faculty Designation Date Of Joining Experience C.V.  
1 Dr. V.P.Sandur Assistant Professor &  Head 12.07.2013 10 Years CV
2  Miss .Punam Satpute Assistant Professor 01.06.2023 01    Years CV
  • Faculty Awards/Achievements /Recognition
Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Year Title of the Award/Achievement /Recognition
1 Nodal Officer 2020-21 Nilanga Tahashil Office, Nilanga



Sr. No. Name of the Programme Duration Programme Outcomes
1. B.A. 03 yrs To provide with the opportunity to acquire Public Administration reach it to at least Key Stage UG Level.

To enable us to start the postgraduate basic training of Public Administration as it is a requirement of the training of Basic Public Administration.

To improve Students chances of employment.

  • Courses Offered
Year Semester Titles of the Courses Course Outcomes
B.A. I I Basic principles of public   Administration. –1 1.The course introduces and provides knowledge or public administration

2. The provide knowledge of the new trains in public administration

3.To understand the relation of public administration with other humanities

2. District Administration-2 1.To know. District administration

2.To understand structure and function off various administrative offices of district administration

3.To provide knowledge of the Revenue administration police administration and judiciary system at district and taluka level


B.A. I II  3. Administrative Organizations and It’s Principles  -3.


1) Basic Knowledge of administrative Organization and its principles.

2) To provide knowledge of the Functions and qualities of chief executive

3) To understand the importance of public relations in administration

4. Administrative System of Maharashtra State

Paper No. –IV

1) To Understand the Role of Chief Minister and State Secretariat in Maharashtra state.

2) To understand Structure and function of State Legislature

3) To provide knowledge of the state government and Administration. Course Content Periods

B.A II III 6. Rural Local Government – VI 1. Develop a rural local leadership.

2. Awareness of the basic governing system as well as development measures.

3. It will provide knowledge of Three tier system of Panchayati Raj in Maharashtra  state.

4. Understand the role of Panchyat Raj Institutes as the main instrument of State to  achieve its Rural developmental goals

7. Financial Administration -Vii 1. Awareness of the basic financial system as well as development measures.

2. Explain the importance of Budget and Financial Administration.

3. Analyse the various issues related to Indian Budget.

4. Understand the role of Finance Administration as the main source of development

8. Urban Local Government -VIII 1. It help the students Conceptualize about the developmental process as nations develop cities grow, and how planning is done & implemented in a bottom – to- top approach.

2. Awareness of the basic governing system ( Urban) as well as development measures.

3. Exhibit the efforts for urban development in Maharashtra state.

B.A III V 9. Indian Administrative Thinkers-IX

(Effective from June 2021)

The students will be channelized to learn and understand

various theories put forth by Indian administrative thinkers regarding public administration. Through the narratives described in the course students will be made acquainted with ancient theories advocated by administrative thinkers like Kautilya about good governance and his views about eradication of corruption.

10 Office Administration-X 1. The Content of the course will enable the students to prepare themselves for various competitive examinations such as U.P.S.C.,M.P.S.C. and other competitive examinations. The students will learn and try to understand the functioning of Indian  Administrative System. Due to the course the students will be understand the role of administration in Nation development.

1. To understand the meaning of Office Administration.

2. To introduce the Office Procedure and Method.

3. To identify various problems in Office Administration.

11. Western Administrative Thinkers-XI 1) To provide basic Knowledge of administrative theories.

2) To Understand the western Administrative theory.

3) To Familiarize the students with basic Knowledge of Modern  administrative thought

VI 12. Indian Constitution & Administration-XII


1)To Understand the formation of Indian Constitution

2)To identify the Role of various Constitutional & Other National Bodies.

3)To introduce the fundamental Rights and Duties

12. Recent Trends in Public Administration -XII  1) To Understand the emerging and recent trends in public administration.

2) To Know the Importance of Information Technology in Public  Administration.

3) To introduce and provide knowledge of Right .


  • Results
Sr. No. Academic Year No. of Students Enrolled No. of Students Appeared for Exam Passed Failed Percentage of Result
1. 2019-20 10 10 10 00 100%
2. 2020-21 10 10 10 00 100%
3. 2021-22 22 22 22 00 100%
4. 2022-23 22 22 22 00 100%
5. 2023-24 17 17 17 00 100%
  • Students’ Achievements/ Merits
Sr. No. Academic Year Name of the Student Subject Merit
1 2018-19 1. Jadhav Shital Balaje I
2. Mane Rohine Balaje II
3. Jadhav Supriya Datta III
2 2019-20 1. Inde Pramod Satish I
2. Dafedar Shabnam Khurumali II
3. Kumbhar Keshav Dnyanoba III
3 2020-21 1. Damawale Akash Shivaji I
2. Somwanshi Dipali Maruti II
3. Patil Sadhana Shahuraj III
4 2021-22 1. Mane Supriya Balaji I
2. Surywanshi Priya N. II
3. Mane Mayuri N. III
5 2022-23 1. Ku Panchal Sapna Dilep I
2. Apsingekar Vasundhara Bandu II
3. Jadhav Adinath Pandurang III






  • Best Practices of the Department
1.    Panchyat Samiti : Administrative Visit



2.    Police Station Nilanga, Visit



3.    Guest  Lecturer : Dr. Santram Munde, M.C. Member, SRTMU, Nanded



4.    Guest Lecturer : Dr. Balaji katturwar , BOS Chairman, SRTMU, Nanded
5.    Guest Lecturer : Dr. Lonarkar Sir, Kamlatai Jamkar Mahavidyalaya, Parbhani



6.    Guest Lecturer : Dr. Amol Kale, Peoples College, Nanded
7.     Handbook
Hand OUT  
Voter Awareness Program
Police Station Visit
Topper Student Prize




  • Notable Alumni


Sr. No. Name of the Alumni Education Present Designation/Place
1. Pawar Radhika Vijaykumar M.A. Pub. Admin Dayanand Mahavidyalya, Latur
2. Arab Parveenbee Jaonoddin M.A. History Shri. Chh. Shivaji College, Omarga
3. Hadole Sonali Gopalrao LLB. Dayanand Law College, Latur
4. Panchal Sapana Dilip BOS SRTMU Nanded
5. Mane Pornima Ram SET M.M.Nilanga
6 Jadhav Shital Balaji Proses Executive Infosys Pune