Maharashtra Shikshan Samiti's

महाराष्ट्र महाविद्यालय, निलंगा

(Affiliated to S. R. T. M. U. Nanded)

DVV Clarifications IV Cycle : Criterion IV


Criterion – IV

Infrastructure and Learning Resource

Metric DVV Suggestion HEI Responses Link
4.1.2: Percentage of expenditure for infrastructure development and augmentation excluding salary during the last five years Expenditure for infrastructure development and augmentation, excluding salary year wise during last five years (INR in lakhs)

·       4.1.2 HEI to provide detailed breakup of heads with amount covered under infrastructure augmentation and include only expenditure on new Buildings, Lab equipment, Furniture and Fixtures, New vehicles etc duly certified by head of HEI for the metric 4.1.2 HEI Response: The detailed breakup of heads with amount covered under infrastructure augmentation is given along with signatures by the CA and the Head of the HEI. The expenses as only permissible in the metric are mentioned herewith. The audited statements of all the sections and the certificates by the CA are attached in the file as suggested in the DVV.


4.3.2: Student – Computer ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year) Number of computers available for students usage during the latest completed academic year:

·       4.3.2 HEI to recheck as per the purchase bills ; HEI to segregate the desktops in purchase register into -academic and administrative ; HEI to affix the students list for the latest completed academic year for the fulfillment of the metric 4.3.2 HEI Response: The purchase bills of the computers are rechecked and additional bills are attached herewith in the page below. Segregation of computers into academic and administrative usage is provided along with clarification.

Additionally, the documents related to the transference of 120 computers from the Maharashtra Shikshan Samiti are also attached in the file. The e-copies of the stock registers are also given in the file attached herewith in response to the queries in the DVV.

4.4.1: Percentage expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component, during the last five years (INR in Lakhs) ·       4.4.1 HEI needs to provide the breakup of Expenditure incurred Maintenance of infrastructure (physical facilities and academic support facilities) specifically consider expenditure on repairs and maintenance only of Physical facilities and AMC for academic facilities under the seal and signature of Head of HEI for the metric 4.4.1 HEI Response: As per the suggestions regarding the breakup of Expenditure incurred Maintenance of infrastructure (physical facilities and academic support facilities)  is provided herewith duly signed by the Registered Chartered Accountant and the Head of the HEI. The clarifications regarding the same are also attached in the file given below. View